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Mr Rik Hart was the Administrator of Central Coast Council 26 April 2021 until Local Government Elections on 14 September 2024


Mr Rik Hart was the Administrator for Central Coast Council, appointed by the then Minister for Local Government, the Hon Shelley Hancock MP. Mr Hart’s appointment followed the Minister’s announcement on 26 April 2021 of a formal Public Inquiry into Central Coast Council led by Commissioner Ms Roslyn McCulloch.

The Council was suspended on 30 October 2020 and the formal Public Inquiry led to the postponement of the local government election for Central Coast Council, which was scheduled for September 2021.

On 17 March 2022, Minister for Local Government, the Hon Wendy Tuckerman tabled the report into the Public Inquiry into Central Coast Council, and took action to terminate all suspended Councillors, effective immediately.

On 1 June 2022, Minister for Local Government, the Hon Wendy Tuckerman MP announced the local government election for Central Coast Council (i.e., the return of Councillors) will be held on 14 September 2024.

During this time, the Administrator acted as the Council, effectively replacing the role previously performed by the Mayor and Councillors.

Mr Hart assumed the role of Administrator from Mr Dick Persson AM who had been in the role since October 2020.

For information about the role of an Administrator, please read our Frequently Asked Questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Yes. Engaging our community is a core responsibly of local government and this ongoing dialogue with our community will continue. For more information about community consultation at Central Coast Council, please visit

  • On 26 April 2021 the then Minister for Local Government, the Hon Shelley Hancock MP announced a formal Public Inquiry into Central Coast Council to be led by Commissioner Ms Roslyn McCulloch. This followed a suspension order of the Central Coast Council issued by the Minister on 30 October 2020.

  • The Administrator constitutes the Council and must perform all the functions, powers and duties of the Council, which must be treated as if they were performed by the Council. The Administrator effectively acts as the Mayor and the Councillors. This means the Administrator conducts the Council Meetings and undertakes the administrative, civic and ceremonial functions of the governing body.

  • Councillors were terminated from office on 17 March 2022. Prior to this, while Councillors were suspended from 30 October 2020 until 17 March 2022, Councillors were not entitled to exercise the functions of civic office or receive any fee or other remuneration. Councillors who are suspended or terminated have the same rights as any other member of the public.

  • The administration period will continue until the Central Coast Council election on 14 September 2024. Central Coast Council has been in administration since 30 October 2020.

  • On 17 March 2022, the Minister for Local Government, the Hon Wendy Tuckerman MP, tabled the report into the Public Inquiry of Central Coast Council.

    Commissioner Roslyn McCullouch made eight recommendations, including that an Administrator be appointed to serve until the Central Coast Council (CCC) election.

  • The status of Central Coast Council being under administration is the decision of the Minister for Local Government, the Hon Wendy Tuckerman MP.  The Minister gave reasons for this decision in their media release on 1 June 2022, which can be accessed on the Office of Local Government’s website here:

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