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Public Notices



    Public Notices
    Public Hearing Report for Plan of Management Update now available
    This public notice is given in relation to the current update to Plan of Management for Community Land.Council owns around 2500 lots of community land.
    Public Notices
    Proposed lease over community land - 77 Howarth Street, Wyong NSW 2259
    In accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, Central Coast Council gives notice that it proposes to lease out part of 77 Howarth Street, Wyong (also known as lot 2 in DP 550364).
    Public Notices
    Public notice: notification of road naming
    Names for roads created as part of new developments and subdivisions are available for comment in accordance with Roads Regulations 2018.The following road names have been approved by the Geographical Names Board for use.Please forward any comments to by 18 February 2025 (15 days from notification). SUBURBROAD NAMEDESCRIPTIONWarnervaleRed Box StreetRed Box Street will commence at Railway Road and will travel in a west northerly direction and finishes at the intersection with Honey Myrtle Road WarnervaleDragonfly StreetDragonfly Street will commence at Warnervale Road and travel in a southern direction and then travel in a easterly direction and finish at the intersection of Virginia Road WarnervaleSwallowtail StreetSwallowtail Street will commence at the intersection of Dragonfly Street and travel in a east south direction where it finishes at the intersection of Virginia Road WarnervaleMayfly StreetMayfly Street will commence at the intersection of Swallowtail Street and travel in a south west direction where it will finish at the intersection of Dragonfly Street Hamlyn TerraceBasalt StreetBasalt Street will commence at the intersection of Granite Street and will travel in a west northerly direction where it will terminate at the intersection of Quartz Street Hamlyn TerraceGranite StreetGranite Street will commence at the intersection of Limestone Drive and will travel in a south westerly direction Hamlyn TerraceLimestone DriveLimestone Drive will commence at the intersection of Minnesota Road and will travel in a west northerly direction.
    Public Notices
    Central Coast Council convicted and penalised for water pollution after overflow of sewage into Narara Creek and Brisbane Waters
    Central Coast Council was prosecuted by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) for two offences, for water pollution and breach of their Environmental Protection Licence.
    Public Notices
    Proposed classification of public land – 93 Virginia Road Warnervale NSW 2259
    This public notice is given in relation to the recent acquisition by Central Coast Council of land at 93 Virginia Road Warnervale 2259. Notice is hereby given that it is intended to consider a proposed resolution to classify the land as Operational Land at a future meeting of Council.The land at 93 Virginia Road Warnervale 2259 has been acquired in accordance with an agreement with the previous owner to better manage local stormwater drainage associated with neighbouring residential development and to place certain flood-affected land in public ownership. Classification of the land as Operational Land will facilitate orderly management of the land for drainage purposes and is proposed to occur by Council resolution.
    Public Notices
    Public Notice: Central Coast DCP 2022 Amendment – Tuggerah
    Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 14(1)(b), (2) and (4) and Clause 16(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, Council has adopted an amendment to Central Coast Development Control Plan 2022 (CCDCP), specifically through an amendment to Chapter 5.34 Tuggerah Precinct and the addition of Chapter 4.7 Tuggerah Regional City. Property:
    Public Notices
    Public Notice: Proposed lease over community land (Terrigal Community Garden)
    Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993-Section 47, Central Coast Council is required to give Public Notice for a proposed lease over part of the land located at 324-334 Terrigal Dr, Terrigal for the permitted use of establishment and operation of a community garden, nature play activities, bush regeneration activities and educational programs for a term of 20 years to Terrigal Community Garden Incorporated. Any submissions should be in writing and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting Council's reference:
    Public Notices
    Public Notice: Proposed lease over community land (Avoca SLSC)
    Part of 10 Vine Street, Avoca BeachUnder the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993-Section 47, Central Coast Council is required to give Public Notice for a proposed lease over the land located at 10 Vine Street, Avoca Beach used for the permitted use of operation of a Surf Lifesaving Club;
    Public Notices
    Opportunity to operate innovation hub in the heart of Gosford CBD
    The state-of-the-art regional library complex in Gosford CBD will open its doors to the community in mid- 2025. Amongst the facilities in the new library will be a boutique co-working space focused on innovation and start-ups.
    Public Notices
    Proposed classification of land at rear of 360 Main Road Toukley 2263
    This public notice is given in relation to the acquisition by Central Coast Council of land behind 360 Main Road Toukley.Notice is hereby given that it is intended to consider a proposed resolution to classify the land as Operational Land at a future meeting of Council.The land that is the subject of this public notice is being acquired as a consequence of a development consent DA/771/2016.
    Public Notices
    Notice from the Heritage Council of NSW - intention to consider listing on the State Heritage Register
    Heritage Act 1977Notice of intention to consider listing on the State Heritage RegisterThe Heritage Council of NSW is considering whether to recommend the Gosford Courthouse and Police Station (former), Gosford for listing on the State Heritage Register in acknowledgement of its heritage significance.Written submissions are invited from any interested person by 6 November 2024.Enquiries to Dr Nikolas Orr on (02) 9873 8500Or direct your submission to:Heritage Council of NSWLocked Bag 5020Parramatta NSW 2124See more details at
    Public Notices
    Proposed classification of land: 46-48 Ocean Beach Road Woy Woy
    This public notice is given in relation to the acquisition by Central Coast Council of land at 46-48 Ocean Beach Road Woy Woy.In relation to the proposed acquisition, Council has resolved as follows:That Council gives public notice in accordance with the provisions of Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act) of its intention to classify the following land when acquired as operational land, in accordance with Council’s decision of 23 July 2024:Lot A in DP 372116 Lot C in DP 372116Lot D in DP 372116Lot 2 in DP 1040919Note:
    Public Notices
    Public Notice: Proposed Lease Over Community Land
    46 North Avoca Pde, North Avoca NSW 2260Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993-Section 47, Central Coast Council is required to give Public Notice for a proposed lease over the land located at 46 North Avoca Pde, North Avoca used for the permitted use of operation of a Surf Lifesaving Club;
    Public Notices
    Public Notice: Proposed lease over operational land
    Part of 56W Imga Street Gwandalan NSW 2259Central Coast Council is giving Public Notice for a proposed lease over the land located at 56W Imga Street Gwandalan used for the permitted use of Community garden, nature play activities, bush regeneration activities and educational programs for a term of 5 years to Gwandalan and Summerland Point Community Garden.Any submissions should be in writing and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting Council's reference:
    Public Notices
    Public Notice: Proposed lease over operational land
    Part 15 Battley Ave The Entrance NSW 2261Central Coast Council is giving Public Notice for a proposed lease over the land located at 15 Battley Ave The Entrance used for the permitted use of Mens shed and activities associated therewith for a term of 5 years to The Entrance Men’s Shed Inc.Any submissions should be in writing and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting Council's reference:
    Public Notices
    Public Notice: Proposed licence over community land
    6B Longview Close, WAMBERAL NSW 2260Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993-Section 47, Central Coast Council is required to give Public Notice for a proposed licence over the land located at 6b Longview Close, Wamberal used for the purposes of infrastructure uses for a term of 3 years to Transport for NSW. Any submissions should be in writing and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting Council's reference:
    Public Notices
    Public notice: Proposed licence over community land
    15 Maitland Bay Drive &
    Public Notices
    Public Notice: Proposed lease over community land
    114 Willoughby Rd, WAMBERAL NSW 2260Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993-Section 47, Central Coast Council is required to give Public Notice for a proposed lease over the land located at 114 Willoughby Rd Wamberal used for the purposes of playing of the game of golf for a term of 15 years to Breakers Country Club (as part of Mount Pritchard &
    Public Notices
    Public Notice: Proposed lease over community land
    4 Wilson Rd, TERRIGAL NSW 2260Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993-Section 47, Central Coast Council is required to give Public Notice for a proposed lease over the land located at 4 Wilson Rd, Terrigal used for the purposes of playing bowls and operation of bowling club facilities for a term of 10 years to Terrigal Bowling Club Ltd. Any submissions should be in writing and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting Council's reference:
    Public Notices
    Public Notice: Central Coast Development Control Plan - Narara Eco Village
    Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 14(1)(b), (2) and (4) and Clause 16(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, Council has adopted amendments to Central Coast Development Control Plan 2022 (CCDCP), specifically Chapter 5.8 – Narara Eco Village.Property:
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