The Entrance
Council news
Our Australia Day community events for 2025 return to Gosford and The Entrance and will feature live entertainment, food stalls, kids' activities and a firework display at both locations to conclude the night!Gosford🗓️ Sunday 26 January 2025📍
The Entrance
The Little Terns arrive at Karagi Point, The Entrance North in October each year to begin nesting and we want to remind everyone on how they can help protect the endangered species during this critical time.The Little Terns migrate from east and south-east Asia to Australia every Summer and are protected under both State and Federal threatened species legislation.
Council news
Council is delighted to confirm the bulk of upgrades to amenities at the iconic, heritage-listed Grant McBride Baths at The Entrance have now been completed, with further upgrades scheduled to take place over the coming months.The changerooms and public toilets at the much-loved local spot has received a refresh, while a spacious new parents room has been installed.
Town Centres
Sandstone blocks have been installed in Memorial Park Car park around the existing four Norfolk Pine Trees.
Town Centres
We introduced a new reIMAGINE Festival into our Town Centres over Christmas and the summer school holidays designed to support local businesses and creatives based on the NSW Central Coast. Two jam-packed months of festive events and creative activities helped to breathe excitement back into our valuable town centres and gave us all the chance to celebrate iconic events like Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Australia Day, which we missed last year due to COVID.From 1 December 2021 to 30 January 2022, a range of exciting community events, workshops, exhibitions, performances and classes were held across Gosford, Wyong, Toukley, Terrigal, Woy Woy and The Entrance.The event attracted approximately 1,000 people to the workshops and added a total economic value of nearly $50,000.We are delighted that this exciting new program brought the community back together and provided an economic boost for local businesses and talent.
Town Centres
The town centres of Gosford, Terrigal, Toukley, The Entrance, Wyong and Budgewoi received a much-needed pressure clean over the last three months.
Town Centres
Denning St carpark received a much-needed makeover. Council’s contractor performed the following works –  Remove weeds from all garden beds  Remove top layer of old mulch from garden beds  Light trimming of low overhanging tree branches around the car park  Re-mulch all garden beds  Mow, whip, edge, and blow down overgrown nature strip lawn
Town Centres
New street light planter boxes located at the road crossing of The Entrance Road and Coral St have been installed.
Council news
Council has installed one permanent life-ring on the North Avoca Beach rock platform, with a spare life-ring to be located in the North Avoca Surf Life Saving Club, available as needed.Coastal Hazard signage will also be affixed at the entry to the rock platform, including instructions about how to use the life-ring.Over the next few weeks, fifteen life-rings will be distributed across The Entrance and North Entrance area, including at various points across the Channel, to improve water safety responses.