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Economic development
As a region poised for rapid population growth just one hour north of Sydney there are enormous opportunities right now for new residential business educational and visitor facilities in this region.

Economic Development Strategy 2020-2040

In 2020, an Economic Development Strategy for the Central Coast was adopted, positioning the region as the place to do business, creating jobs and prosperity for the region.  This Strategy is focussed on initiatives that will provide the greatest tangible benefits to our economy and our community by harnessing the region’s strengths and taking full advantage of the identified opportunities.  The plan has identified how our region can grow and develop though targeted investment, improved partnerships and promotion of our region as a desirable place to do business and visit as one destination.  Creating local jobs and opportunities for our community is a key priority of Council.  This plan aims to deliver this by keeping businesses active, investing in our local talent, improved infrastructure and digital capability, community outreach and driving collaboration and innovation.


Other strategies and plans related to Economic Development

  • Regional Economic Development and Employment Strategy (REDES) program - Council's strategy ties in with the Regional Economic Development and Employment Strategy (REDES), managed by Regional Development Australia Central Coast.
  • Community Strategic Plan - All of our economic development activity fits within the overall Community Vision for the Central Coast to be a caring, sustainable and prosperous community. This strategy, as outlined in the 2018-2028 Community Strategic Plan, will be implemented by all levels of government and other organisations with the community.
  • Consolidated Local Environment Plan - The Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) and Central Coast Development Control Plan (CCDCP) were adopted by Council on 14 December 2020 and will guide land use and planning decision for the region over the coming . The CCLEP and CCDCP will come into force when notified on the NSW Legislation website (expected mid 2021).  In the interim, the provisions of existing planning controls still apply. For more information go to
  • Night-Time Economy Discussion Paper - The Central Coast Night-Time Economy Discussion Paper has come about following Council’s Economic Development Strategy 2020-2040 and the Central Coast Destination Management Plan 2022-2026, both having actions to explore options to activate the night-time economy in the region. For more information go to Night-Time Economy Discussion Paper



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