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Personal and household safety

Central Coast Council is committed to creating safe, vibrant communities. 

Feeling safe is important for the health and wellbeing of all residents and visitors of the Central Coast. Council provides information, programs and resources aimed at increasing awareness encouraging residents and visitors to act, live and work safely.

Staying safe in public spaces

The Central Coast is an amazing place to live, work and visit. To stay safe while out and about remember to:

  • be aware of your surroundings
  • consider the valuables you take with you when visiting places such as the beach or park
  • and don’t leave valuables unattended
  • if you feel uncomfortable, go to a busy or bright place like a shop and seek help.

Closed circuit television (CCTV) is used in some public spaces in our community to reduce and prevent crime. CCTV footage can also help police to identify offenders if a crime takes place.

Staying safe at night

When heading out at night it is important to plan ahead so you can have a safe and enjoyable evening:

  • make sure you have the contact numbers of all the friends/family you are out with
  • ensure your phone is charged and keep it with you
  • let your parents, housemates, or partner know where you will be and until what time
  • don’t leave your drink unattended.

If you plan to drink alcohol, ensure you can get home safely with someone you know.

Safety at home

Unlawful entry crimes are often opportunistic, meaning the crime will only be committed if the opportunity presents itself, such as by leaving a door or window open or valuables in public view.

Carry out an inspection of your home, using Council’s Safety at Home Checklist to identify areas where security could be improved. Council’s Safety at Home Checklist can be collected as part of Council’s Safety Kit at Council administration buildings in Wyong and Gosford or can be downloaded below.

Your home should be a place where you and your family can feel safe and secure. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence or abuse, contact the Domestic Violence hotline on 1800 656 463.

Protecting your home while travelling

Getting away provides an opportunity to relax. Avoid unnecessary worry by leaving your home safe and secure with our top ten tips for home security while travelling.

  • Lock all doors and windows. Ensure sheds and garages are secure.
  • Remove hidden keys from around the front door and other hiding spots.
  • Tidy the yard, mow the lawns and don’t leave ladders or gardening equipment laying out.
  • Put your lights on a timer so people think you are home.
  • Get your mail held at the post office or organise for a friend to pick it up while you are away.
  • Make sure your bill payments are up to date.
  • Test your home smoke detector and unplug any unnecessary electrical items.
  • Check and repair taps that may be dripping.
  • Avoid discussing your plans on social media.
  • Ask a trustworthy neighbour or friend to check on your home – give them a list of your contact details in case of an emergency.

Preventing car theft from your home

Approximately 70 per cent of vehicles stolen during 2018 – 2019 occurred from people’s homes? Some offenders are even prepared to enter while you are home, to quickly grab keys left in easily accessible spots. It is important to keep your vehicle safe by keeping your keys in a secure place.

  • Safeguard your keys, consider them to be as valuable as your car itself. Keep them in a discreet and secure place, such as in a drawer, rather than on a bench.
  • Lock your door behind you as you enter or leave home.
  • Don’t tag your keys with your name or address use a mobile phone number or driver licence number instead.

Preventing theft from your car

You can also significantly prevent theft from your car by taking a few extra precautions to secure your vehicle and the contents inside. Always keep your doors and windows locked when your car is left unattended, even if it's for a short period of time, or when it is parked in your driveway or on your street at home

  • Avoid leaving your valuables in plain view. Take items like your mobile phone, handbag or wallet, GPS and spare change with you as you leave your car or hide them out of sight before locking your car.
  • Try to find a parking spot in a well-lit or populated area. Parking under a street light, next to a busy road, or in plain sight of others can increase the security of your car.

Staying safe while travelling in a car

  • Service your car regularly.
  • Plan your route and tell someone where you are going.
  • Have a street directory and mobile phone with you in case you get lost.
  • Lock your car doors especially if driving alone.
  • Have your keys out and ready as you approach your car.
  • If you often travel alone or at night, consider joining a breakdown assistance service.

For further information or assistance, please contact:

  • In case of an EMERGENCY or a crime in progress call Triple Zero 000.
  • Save the app that could save your life Emergency+.
  • To report information about a crime that has been committed, call Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000.
  • For non-emergencies, call the Police Assistance Line 131 444.
  • For confidential crisis support, call Lifeline 131 114.
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